Why you should choose a vegeterian diet.
why you should try going on a proper balanced vegetarian diet, with at least 40-50% of it live food uncooked condition. you will se in the next 3 days you'll be so much brighter, livelier and most of you diseases will go away. A nummer of people have dropped their ailments just by changing their food habits.
Most of the martial arts people are vegetarians, Because the flexibility of the muscle will be lost with too much non vegetarian food.
Non vegetarian food is mainly consumed because you need Protein.
so if you want to start your journey of working out and living a more healthy life you must first look at what you feed you body with. if you feed it feed bad fuel you body is going to feel bad, slow and tired most of the time. when you realize that changing your diet will help you in the long run you are now ready to start your Journey. the second thing is that most people quit after 1-2 weeks, because they lack motivation and don't se the result that they are looking for. Just remember good thing comes to people who wait and deserve it by changing your diet you will se and feel that motivation will come to you. All you need to do is to keep on inspire your soul and body too keep on going. after a while it will become you daily habit.